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Navigating Indonesia’s calling visa system

Navigating Indonesia’s calling visa system

A calling visa is a unique travel document issued by a country to people of another nation deemed to have a certain level of vulnerability. Individuals from these countries must apply for this visa before entering the host country.

In Indonesia, calling visas are issued explicitly to nationals from countries facing unstable political and security conditions, high crime rates, frequent cases of visa abuse, or uncontrolled disease spread.

Understanding the calling visa in Indonesia

A calling visa in Indonesia serves as an entry permit for nationals from specific countries, allowing a short stay of usually 30 days.

During this period, individuals must apply for a regular visa at the Indonesian immigration office.

The regulation governing this visa is stipulated in Article 1 (35) of Regulation of Ministry of Law and Human Rights Number 22, 2023, concerning Visa and Stay Permit.

Essential Points Regarding Calling Visas in Indonesia:

  • Issuance Points: Typically, calling visas are granted at airports and seaports in Indonesia, emphasizing accessibility and efficiency.
  • Work Limitations: Visa holders are only permitted to work or engage in activities within Indonesia if they possess a valid work permit.
  • Consequences of Overstaying: Overstaying is a severe offense and can lead to fines, imprisonment, or deportation, underlining the importance of compliance with visa regulations.

Why are calling visas issued?

Navigating Indonesia's calling visa system

Several factors contribute to a country being included in Indonesia’s calling visa country list.

These factors include unstable political and security conditions, high crime rates, frequent cases of visa abuse, and uncontrolled disease spread.

1. Unstable political and security conditions

Countries experiencing political turmoil or security threats are more likely to be on the calling visa list, as their nationals may seek refuge due to conflict or persecution.

2. High crime rates

Nations with high crime rates may find their citizens attempting to avoid legal consequences by overstaying in Indonesia.

3. Frequent cases of visa abuse

Countries with a history of visa abuse, where nationals exploit visas for illegal activities, are more likely to be included in the calling visa country list.

4. Uncontrolled cases of disease spread

Nations grappling with rampant disease spread may be included in the calling visa country list to mitigate potential health risks to Indonesia’s public.

Calling visa country list for Indonesia

The Indonesian government officially removed Cameroon from the calling visa list. This decision is supported by the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Kepmenkumham) Decree Number M.HH-05.GR.01.06 of 2023, issued on November 23, 2023.

The current countries included in the calling visa list for Indonesia are:

  • Afghanistan
  • Guinea
  • Israel
  • DPR Korea
  • Liberia
  • Nigeria
  • Somalia

Types of calling visas in Indonesia

Indonesia offers two primary types within the calling visa category: the Visitor Visa and the Limited Stay Visa. The Visitor Visa is divided into Single Journey Visitor Visa and Multiple Journey Visitor Visa.

1. Single journey visitor visa

This type of visa is granted for various purposes, including tourism, family visits, social activities, arts and culture, government duties, non-commercial sports, study tours, short courses, business discussions, and more.

2. Multiple journey visitor visa

This type of visa is granted for family visits, social activities, arts and culture, government duties, business discussions, attending seminars, participating in international exhibitions, and more.

Read more: Visa for Diaspora Indonesia: Everything you need to know

Application process for a calling visa in Indonesia

To apply for an Indonesian calling visa, individuals must follow a comprehensive process involving document submission, application fee payment, and additional requirements specific to the type of visa pursued.

1. Document submission

Submit the following documents to your country’s Indonesian embassy or consulate:

  • Valid passport
  • Completed application form
  • Recent photograph
  • Proof of financial support
  • Round-trip ticket

2. Application fee

Pay the required visa application fee.

3. Additional requirements

Additional requirements for calling visa applications will be provided directly by the Representative of the Republic of Indonesia and may include:

  • Letter of guarantee from the Guarantor
  • Recommendation from the Strategic Intelligence Agency (BAIS) of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) for activities in conflict areas that pose a threat to the presence and security of Calling Visa citizens
  • Permanent Resident Card for visa applications submitted outside the home country

4. Multiple journey visitor visa requirements

For Multiple Journey Visitor Visa applicants, it is necessary to have:

  • Proof of having visited Indonesian territory at least three times in the last 12 months
  • and/or Permanent Resident Card for those residing outside their home country.

Guide to Doing Business in Jakarta

Ebook Download | Ultimate Guide to Doing Business in Indonesia

Consult your immigration matters with InCorp Indonesia

Calling visas is essential in enabling Indonesia to regulate the inflow of immigrants from specific countries, safeguarding the nation’s security and public health. For citizens of countries on Indonesia’s calling visa list, obtaining this visa is a prerequisite for entry into the country.

Explore our comprehensive visa assistance services, leveraging the extensive experience and network within the InCorp Global Group. Our proven track record includes aiding numerous local and international clients in obtaining visas tailored to their diverse needs.

For a personalized and streamlined visa application process, contact us today by clicking the button below for a free consultation.


Start investing in Indonesia with InCorp


    Daris Salam

    COO Indonesia at InCorp Indonesia

    With more than 10 years of expertise in accounting and finance, Daris Salam dedicates his knowledge to consistently improving the performance of InCorp Indonesia and maintaining clients and partnerships.

Frequently Asked Questions

    A PMA company in Indonesia must obtain an NIB, which also functions as:

    • Importer Identification Number (Angka Pengenal Impor or API)
      Producer Importer Identification Number (Angka Pengenal Impor Produsen or API-P), which is required for the import of machinery and equipment, goods, and materials used in production.
      General Importer Identification Number (Angka Pengenal Impor Umum or API-U), which is required for the import of specific goods for trading purposes, is grouped under one section in the Customs Classification System.
    • Customs Identification Number (Nomor Identitas Kepabeanan or NIK), It functions as an identifying document for the applicable Customs and Excise authorities during the customs clearance process.

    Some goods may face limitations or restrictions on importation in Indonesia, potentially requiring additional approval from the Ministry of Trade. Recommendations from technical ministries like Industry or Agriculture may influence these approvals.

    The procedures for (voluntarily) liquidation typically involve the following steps:

    • Conduct a general shareholder meeting to approve the liquidation and the liquidator’s nomination
    • Notify the Ministry of Law and Human Rights as well as the creditors of the liquidation and the distribution plan for the assets by newspaper notice
    • All business licenses and tax numbers should be canceled or revoked; the tax office will conduct a tax audit to revoke the tax number
    • Make sure creditors are paid and that any liquidation funds are distributed to shareholders (if any)
    • Conduct a general meeting of shareholders to approve the liquidator’s discharge and acquittal
    • Notify the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the liquidation’s outcome. After receiving the notification, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights will deregister the company’s status as a legal entity and remove its name from the Company Registry
    • Release the liquidation’s outcome in a newspaper

    Completing the liquidation process can take around two years.

    A newly established PMA company in Indonesia is typically provided with import facilities, tax holidays, tax allowances, or investment allowances.

    • Import facilities
      Investors in Indonesia, particularly in manufacturing, may benefit from import tax exemptions for capital goods and raw materials through the Master List Facility. The imported goods must meet specific criteria, such as not being produced locally or not meeting industry demand despite local production.
    • Tax holiday
      The government offers CIT reductions of 50% or 100% for 5–20 years for listed pioneer industries, based on investment value. After this period, a CIT reduction of 25% or 50% applies for two fiscal years. Non-listed sectors can also apply by meeting criteria demonstrating pioneer industry status.
    • Pioneer industries are industries that have a wide range of connections, provide additional value and high externalities, introduce new technologies, and have strategic value for the national economy.

    • Tax allowance
      For companies in certain designated areas or regions, the government may provide the following tax concessions:
      Net income reduction up to 30% of the amount invested, prorated at 5% annually for six years, on condition that the assets invested are retained for the same duration.
      Accelerated depreciation and/or amortisation deductions
      An extension of tax losses carried forward for a maximum of ten years
      A 10% (or lower if treaty relief is available) withholding tax rate on dividends paid to non-residents
      The applicant eligible has to meet high-level-criteria for the above tax facilities:
      High investment value or for export purposes
      High manpower absorption
      High level of local content
    • Investment allowance
      The government offers a reduction in net income of up to 60% of the investment, distributed at 5% annually over six years of commercial production, contingent upon the retention of invested assets for the same duration. To qualify, applicants must meet business line eligibility criteria and employ a minimum of 300 Indonesian workers in the project.
    • Super deduction
      This facility could be granted to certain businesses, such as:
      60% reduction in net income of the amount of tangible fixed assets invested for labor-intensive industries, distributed throughout a certain time frame.
      Up to 200% reduction in the gross income of the amount spent for human resources development in certain competency activities.
      Up to 300% reduction in gross income of the amount spent for certain R&D activities in Indonesia.

    A foreigner is not allowed to form a CV in Indonesia

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