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A guide to becoming a permanent resident in Indonesia

A guide to becoming a permanent resident in Indonesia

Foreigners who want to stay permanently in Indonesia must obtain an ITAP card (Kartu Izin Tinggal Tetap). This card extends their stay, allows them to move freely, and offers many other benefits.

This guide is designed for foreign investors wishing to conduct business in Indonesia. It offers a comprehensive roadmap for a hassle-free journey to acquiring permanent residency and accessing all its privileges.

Understanding permanent residence in Indonesia (KITAP)

A permanent resident in Indonesia is a foreigner allowed to stay for a prolonged period, enjoying some rights similar to those of local citizens. Although the term permanent is used, these residencies usually have a limited validity period.

However, renewal is generally assumed to be straightforward and sometimes automatic. For instance, the US green card and the French Permanent Resident card are valid for ten years, while Australia’s PR permit is valid for five years. In Indonesia, the maximum validity period for permanent residency is five years.

Therefore, once you obtain a 5-year visa, you will have the maximum length of stay and be considered a permanent resident of Indonesia.

The difference between residency and citizenship

Residency and citizenship are separate legal statuses defining an individual’s relationship with a country. While both statuses allow an individual to live in a particular nation, they significantly differ in terms of the privileges, benefits, and obligations they grant.

The contrast between these two statuses can be seen in the table below:



Obtaining residency status, often through a visa, defines the terms and duration of stay. It can be temporary for specific purposes like work or study, while permanent residency grants an indefinite stay with potential access to benefits like social welfare and healthcare. Citizenship is the legal status indicating full membership in a nation. Citizens enjoy extensive rights like voting, public office, property ownership, and passport-enabled travel. Citizenship is generally permanent and is rarely revoked.

Types of residency in Indonesia

If you are a foreigner planning to live long-term in Indonesia, you must obtain a residency permit. Two types of permits are available: one allows you to stay for a shorter period, and the other enables you to live in Indonesia for a longer period.

Temporary residency permit (ITAS/KITAS)

  • Validity: Initially one year, with the possibility of renewal for a maximum of five years.
  • Application Process: Typically takes around three months.

Permanent residency permit (ITAP/KITAP)

  • Prerequisite: Continuous possession of ITAS/KITAS for at least five years.
  • Validity: Initially five years, with the option for a lifetime renewal.

Read more: How to apply for an Indonesian tourist visa

The benefits of obtaining permanent residency status in Indonesia

Having a residency permit in Indonesia has many benefits that can be very useful. Some of the advantages of having this permit include:

Freedom of stay

With a residency permit, you can reside in Indonesia without the need to constantly reapply for visas, allowing you to enter and exit the country freely.

Bank account

You can open an Indonesian bank account, facilitating financial transactions and management.

Driving licenses

Residency permits enable you to obtain various types of driving licenses for both motorcycles and cars.

Employment opportunities

If you possess a valid work permit, you can legally work, earn income, and fulfill tax obligations in Indonesia.

Official residence

Being officially recognized as a resident contributes positively to your relationship with your country of citizenship.

Extended validity

Most standard residency permits in Indonesia typically have a duration of 1 year, providing a relatively convenient renewal process compared to shorter-term visas. In addition to the benefits mentioned above, permanent residency in Indonesia offers the following advantages:

How to become a permanent resident in Indonesia?

The steps to become a permanent resident in Indonesia

There are two primary pathways to obtain a permanent residency permit in Indonesia, and eligibility can be established through a status transfer from an ITAS or by meeting specific conditions:

Status transfer from ITAS

To be eligible for the transition from ITAS to ITAP, you must meet specific criteria, which include:

  • Residing continuously in Indonesia for at least three years
  • Being married to an Indonesian citizen for at least two years

Immediate eligibility conditions

Certain circumstances make individuals eligible for ITAP immediately, including:

  • Being an ex-subject child of dual citizenship
  • A child of an ITAP holder born in Indonesia
  • Former Indonesian citizens who lost their citizenship on Indonesian territory

To initiate the ITAP application process, visit https://izintinggal-online.imigrasi.go.id/ or the Indonesian immigration office. The general prerequisites include:

  • Passport
  • ITAS
  • Domicile letter
  • Integration statement

Foreign employees must obtain a work permit from the Ministry of Manpower to be employed in Indonesia, and different types of visits require different types of visas and permits.

If you are married to an Indonesian citizen, include a translated marriage certificate. Ensure all documentation suits your residency application circumstances.

Alternative paths for faster permanent resident

Several exceptions exist that could facilitate the Permanent Residency (PR) acquisition process for individuals, presenting alternative pathways:

Alternative pathways Descriptions
Investment visa Foreign investors who are making in Indonesia may qualify for PR in as little as three years. The required investment amount varies based on the type and depending on the investment.
Marriage to an Indonesian citizen Individuals married to Indonesian citizens may seek PR after two years of marriage. The couple must furnish evidence of their relationship and financial stability.
Exceptional talent visa Individuals showcasing outstanding talents in the arts, sports, or sciences could be eligible for PR after two years of residence in Indonesia. Demonstrating their abilities and contributions to the country is a requisite.
Highly skilled worker visa Skilled professionals in engineering or IT may be eligible for PR after two years if they meet the qualifications and experience required for high-level positions in Indonesia.
Humanitarian grounds In exceptional circumstances, individuals may secure PR based on humanitarian grounds, such as seeking political asylum or protection from persecution.

How do you renew your ITAP in Indonesia?

Renewing your Permanent Resident Card in Indonesia may seem daunting, but with the proper knowledge and preparation, you can easily navigate the process.


  • Gather documents: Your valid passport, current ITAP card, proof of residence in Indonesia (e.g., domicile letter), and recent passport-sized photos.
  • Check validity period: Ensure your ITAP is nearing expiry. Renewals can be initiated within 60 days of the expiry date.
  • Pay fees: Prepare the necessary renewal fees, which can vary depending on your circumstances. Check with the immigration office for current fee information.

Application process

  • Online portal: You can initiate the renewal process through the Immigration Online Management System (https://izintinggal-online.imigrasi.go.id/). Fill out the application form and upload the necessary documents.
  • Immigration office visit: Once your online application is processed, you’ll receive an appointment schedule for visiting the immigration office.
  • Fingerprint scan and interview: During your appointment, you’ll undergo fingerprint scanning and potentially a brief interview.
  • Card collection: After successful processing, you’ll be notified that your new ITAP card is available for collection at the designated immigration office.

Obtain your ITAP with InCorp Indonesia

Indonesia is a fantastic place to live. It offers you a lot of freedom, opportunities, and endless possibilities.

If you want to stay long-term in Indonesia, you must get a permit called ITAP. InCorp Indonesia can help you with this and ensure you receive all the benefits of waiting in the country.

Why choose InCorp Indonesia?

  • Expertise: We know the ins and outs of ITAP applications, ensuring a smooth process.
  • Efficiency: Streamlined systems and dedicated consultants save you time and stress.
  • Experience: Proven track record of successful ITAP applications for satisfied clients.
  • Peace of mind: Focus on your new life in Indonesia; let us handle the paperwork.

Contact InCorp Indonesia today by clicking the button below, and let’s make your ITAP dream a reality.


Start investing in Indonesia with InCorp


    Pandu Biasramadhan

    Senior Consulting Manager at InCorp Indonesia

    An expert for more than 10 years, Pandu Biasramadhan, has an extensive background in providing top-quality and comprehensive business solutions for enterprises in Indonesia and managing regional partnership channels across Southeast Asia.

Frequently Asked Questions

    According to the latest provision regarding Halal Product Assurance, halal certification for many consumer products in Indonesia that was previously voluntary has now been mandatory. Food and beverage products are the first Halal certified before 17 October 2024.

    The duration depends on the visa type.The duration depends on the visa type:

    • Work and stay permits take approximately two months. If the applicant is a company director, the visa is valid for one year.
    • For other positions, the visa is valid for six months.
    • Multiple-entry business visas take approximately one week and will be valid for one year.
    • Single-entry business and social-cultural visas take approximately one week. They will be valid for two months, with the possibility to extend the visa four times, each time for an additional 30 days.
    • A retirement visa takes approximately two months and will be valid for one year.

    The minimum number of shareholders to incorporate a PT is two

    To provide you with accurate pricing information for our product registration services, we consider the complexities of your inquiries and the dynamic nature of regulations in Indonesia. As a result, the pricing for the service may vary accordingly. For detailed information, don’t hesitate to contact our consultants.

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