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Strategically located within Sumatra, Batam is a gateway for international trade in Indonesia, notably with Singapore. This dynamic fosters increased competitiveness and expanded business prospects. Beyond Batam, nearby areas like Medan, Pekanbaru, Padang, and Palembang are also emerging promising destinations for establishing businesses.

Business in Batam and Sumatra

Batam and Sumatra is renowned as a top investment destination in Indonesia, serving as a growing gateway for Singaporean companies seeking direct access to the Indonesian market. Its attraction is further amplified by its Free Trade Zone status.

The Advantages of Doing Business in Batam and Sumatra

Recognized for its advantageous position and array of industrial parks, starting a business in Batam and Sumatra can present new opportunities for your company.

Strategic Trade Locations

Batam’s proximity to Singapore and Sumatra’s central position in Indonesia offers strong trade connections and access to regional markets.

Investment Appeal

Batam’s status as an investment hub and Sumatra’s emerging markets provide attractive investment opportunities.

Market Access

Batam’s gateway to Southeast Asia and Sumatra’s sizable population offers diverse consumer markets.

Infrastructure and Workforce

Both regions offer developed infrastructure and skilled labor pools to support business operations.

Cost Efficiency

Lower operational costs than major cities make Batam and Sumatra cost-effective for business activities.

Kickstart your business in Batam and Sumatra