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Exploring Jakarta’s Thriving Business Landscape and Opportunities

Exploring Jakarta’s Thriving Business Landscape and Opportunities

Jakarta presents many promising business prospects for foreign investors to expand their enterprises. This article aims to delve into the various business opportunities available in Indonesia’s bustling capital, focusing on key sectors that drive the city’s growth and uncovering potential rewards for those poised to seize them.

A robust economy and flourishing business landscape

The Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, recently announced that Jakarta’s economy will grow by an impressive 6.4% in 2024. However, he emphasized the importance of remaining cautious about potential economic downturns resulting from global conflicts.

Highlighting the city’s resilience in navigating various situations, Jakarta’s 2024 development plans will prioritize bolstering the economy and essential services to foster quality growth in economic, social, and environmental spheres.

Massive business opportunities in Jakarta

Foreign investors need to identify lucrative business opportunities in Jakarta. With its rapidly expanding economy, Jakarta offers numerous opportunities for those willing to conduct meticulous research and take calculated risks.

Investors can contribute to the region’s economic development by creating job opportunities. The impact will start stimulating the local economy and supporting the community. 

Read more: Is this A Good Year for Property Investment in Indonesia?

Here are some key benefits associated with investing in profitable business opportunities in Jakarta:

Promising business opportunities in Jakarta

As a bustling economic center, Jakarta provides numerous business opportunities across various industries. The following are the key sectors based on the Investment Realization in Jakarta in 2022:

Domestic Investment:

  • South Jakarta Administrative City led with Rp 31.27 trillion.
  • The construction sector topped the list with Rp 18.8 trillion (21.1%).
  • Transportation, warehouse, and telecommunication with Rp 18.2 trillion (20.3%).
  • Other services with Rp 12.5 trillion (14.0%).
  • Housing, industrial, and office areas with Rp 12.0 trillion (13.5%).
  • Mining with Rp 10.9 trillion (12.3%).

Foreign Investment:

  • South Jakarta Administrative City emerged as the leading recipient with Rp 31.9 trillion.
  • Transportation, warehouse, and telecommunication with Rp 20.0 trillion (37.2%).
  • Other services with Rp 12.2 trillion (22.6%).
  • Housing, industrial, and office areas with Rp 8.5 trillion (15.9%).
  • Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles with Rp 5.2 trillion (9.7%).
  • Mining with Rp 3.4 trillion (6.3%).

Furthermore, we have identified the markets predicted to experience substantial growth in 2024, particularly in the Jakarta region:

1. Infrastructure development and construction

Indonesia’s infrastructure demands further investment and improvement. The government has committed to investing $430 billion in the country’s infrastructure from 2020 to 2024, making this sector an attractive investment opportunity.

Read more: Will the 2024 Indonesian elections impact investment?

2. Mining sector and renewable energy

Indonesia possesses abundant commodity resources, making it a significant exporter. Additionally, the mining industry has played a pivotal role in the country’s economic growth, while clean energy firms have the opportunity to enter the industry.

3. Tourism sector

Indonesia’s tourism sector represents an untapped market, offering promising prospects for firms specializing in leisure and tourism. Moreover, the country is an attractive tourist destination with over 17,700 islands, captivating beaches, and diverse landscapes.

4. E-commerce

Indonesia boasts a high e-commerce adoption rate, positioning it as one of the most profitable business sectors to explore in 2023. The industry’s gross market value exceeded $30 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $83 billion by 2025, driven by changing consumer behaviors prioritizing convenience.

5. Franchise Business

Franchise is buying ownership rights such as trademarks, licenses, and others from other businesses or franchisors. Investing in franchise allows individuals to leverage the success of a well-known brand and provides a balance between entrepreneurial independence and the security of a proven business concept, making it an attractive option for those seeking a reliable and scalable business opportunity.

6. Food and Beverage

Regardless of economic fluctuations or cultural shifts, people consistently require sustenance, making this industry a resilient choice. Furthermore, the diversity within the sector allows entrepreneurs to explore various niches, from traditional restaurants to food delivery services, catering, or specialty products.

7. IT Consulting and Support

There is a continuous need for IT consulting and support, making the IT services sector resilient and offering substantial growth potential. In today’s dynamic business environment, an IT services business can thrive by providing essential solutions that enable other businesses to adapt, innovate, and achieve their goals in the digital era.

8. Thrift Shop

A thrift shop business presents a compelling opportunity due to its dual appeal of sustainability and affordability. In an era where environmental consciousness is on the rise, thrift shops contribute to the circular economy by promoting the reuse of goods.

9. Co-Working Spaces

With Jakarta’s dynamic startup ecosystem and a growing number of freelancers and entrepreneurs, establishing co-working spaces is a strategic move. Not to mention, the low level of competition also increases this new business model opportunities.

10. Digital Marketing Agency

Due to the increasing reliance on online platforms for brand visibility, a digital marketing agency is a lucrative business idea. The demand for comprehensive digital marketing services positions agencies to capitalize on a growing market, making it a profitable venture with substantial growth potential.

11. Renewable Energy Solutions

Renewable Energy Solutions presents a lucrative business opportunity as global concerns about climate change grow. Investing in clean energy aligns with sustainable practices, attracts government incentives, and meets rising demand.

12. Online Education Platform 

Increasing demand for accessible and flexible learning, and leveraging technology to cater to a global audience has been a huge opportunity to grow businesses in the online education platform area.

13. Language School

A language school business is a promising opportunity as global communication grows essential. The demand for language learning is consistent, driven by travel, business globalization, and cultural exchange, ensuring long-term profitability.

14. Financial Technology (Fintech) Services

Financial Technology (Fintech) services present a strong business opportunity due to their ability to streamline financial processes, enhance accessibility, and provide innovative solutions, leading to increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

15. Health and Wellness Services

Increasing health consciousness results in a steady demand for diverse and innovative wellness offerings, making it a sustainable and profitable business opportunity.

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16. Waste Management Solutions

Waste Management Solutions presents a compelling business opportunity due to the growing emphasis on sustainability. With increased environmental awareness, businesses addressing efficient waste disposal and recycling fulfill critical ecological needs, positioning them for long-term profitability.

17. Smart Retail Solutions

Smart Retail Solutions leverage technology to enhance the shopping experience, optimize inventory management, and gather valuable consumer insights. This business aligns with the growing demand for efficiency, personalization, and seamless integration of digital tools in retail, promising profitability through improved operational efficiency and heightened customer satisfaction.

18. Local and Sustainable Fashion

Local and sustainable fashion businesses align with the growing consumer demand for ethical and eco-friendly products. The emphasis on transparency and ethical practices also resonates with a market increasingly valuing responsible consumption, creating a profitable avenue for businesses committed to sustainable fashion.

19. Personalized Beauty and Skincare Products

A Personalized Beauty and Skincare business opportunities thrive by meeting individual preferences, capitalizing on the growing demand for unique products, fostering customer loyalty, and addressing diverse skincare needs.

20. Software Development

Perpetual demand for custom solutions, increasing reliance on technology, and the scalability of digital products in diverse industries make software development such an attractive business opportunity.

Which Industry is Booming in Indonesia?

In the dynamic landscape of Indonesia’s economy, certain industries are experiencing significant growth, driving the nation’s economic vitality. From technology to sustainable practices, diverse sectors contribute to Indonesia’s flourishing business environment. Here are a few of the booming industries in Indonesia for 2024:

1. Financial Technology and E-Commerce

Indonesia’s FinTech industry is transforming the financial sector. Fostering financial inclusion, and contributing substantially to the country’s economic development. As of today, Indonesia has more than 300 fintech-related startups and is still going strong.

2. Transportation

Fueled by urbanization, economic development, and increased connectivity, Indonesia’s transportation industry is expected to be one of the booming industries in 2024. Transportation infrastructure development also has been one of the SGD’s plans since 2020, hence the government support has also added a keen interest in the industry.

3. Renewable Energy Sources and Waste Management

Current environmental issues have been the main topic in Indonesia, sustainability and environmental conservation commitment have made the renewable energy sources and waste management industry grow over the years.

4. Education Technology

Analysts expect 113 million Indonesians will need professional retraining by 2030 due to the low level of education. The education technology sector has the chance to excel by offering comprehensive courses, online tutoring, and self-learning solutions, seizing the opportunity presented.

5. Healthcare 

The healthcare industry in Indonesia was showing promising signs of growth. The country’s expanding middle class, increasing awareness of health issues, and government initiatives to enhance healthcare infrastructure contributed to the sector’s positive trajectory. 

Read more: Find Out 10 Promising Sectors for Indonesia in 2024

How to Analyze Business Opportunities in Indonesia?

Analyzing opportunities before setting up a business is mandatory for all businesses. This process helps to identify and evaluate opportunities either through internal or external environments to make decisions before starting or developing a business. There are a few common methods on how to analyze business opportunities, as follows:

1. SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis involves analysis from 4 different perspectives, which are strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The strengths and weaknesses help you discover the advantages and disadvantages of the business internally. The opportunities and threats help you with a clearer view of opportunities in the market and overcome threats.

2. PESTLE analysis

This method of analysis is used to evaluate the external factors of a business opportunities, which are from the political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental aspects. Performing PESTLE analysis helps businesses to understand the external factors of the company as well as helps adapt to possible changes.

3. Porter’s 5 Forces

There are five main factors in this analysis to explain the competition and the business opportunities position in the market, as follows:

  • Threat of New Entrants
  • Threat of Substitutes
  • Bargaining Power of Buyers
  • Bargaining Power of Suppliers
  • Rivalry of Competition

Which Business is More Profitable in Indonesia?

The undeniable global advancement of technology is mirrored in Indonesia, where the thriving tech sector has become an irresistible force among all the business opportunity ideas. This widespread expansion has significantly driven demand, drawing numerous businesses into the industry in recent years.

Technology-infused business example such as e-commerce, fintech, digital marketing services, education platforms, and IT solutions have shown notable growth in making a profit in Indonesia.


To conclude, Indonesia’s economy has consistently grown over the years, with further growth anticipated in the future. The country’s diverse economy and abundant resources create opportunities for foreign investors to establish profitable businesses across various sectors.

Considering current market trends and growth potential, Jakarta’s most promising business sectors for 2023 are infrastructure and construction, mining and clean energy, tech-related businesses, leisure and tourism, and e-commerce.

Nevertheless, before investing in any sector, it is crucial to comprehend the regulations, acquire relevant business licenses, and undergo company registration in Indonesia. 

Collaborating with a reliable business consultant such as InCorp Indonesia can help foreign investors navigate the registration process and ensure compliance with local regulations, facilitating a smooth and hassle-free investment experience in Indonesia.


Start investing in Indonesia with InCorp


    Pandu Biasramadhan

    Senior Consulting Manager at InCorp Indonesia

    An expert for more than 10 years, Pandu Biasramadhan, has an extensive background in providing top-quality and comprehensive business solutions for enterprises in Indonesia and managing regional partnership channels across Southeast Asia.

Frequently Asked Questions

    Audited financial statements are required for:

    • Entities gathering funds from the public (e.g., banks, insurance companies)
    • Entities issuing debt instruments
    • Publicly listed companies
    • State-owned enterprises
    • Companies with assets and/or turnover exceeding IDR 50 billion
    • Entities mandated by legislation

    The procedures for (voluntarily) liquidation typically involve the following steps:

    • Conduct a general shareholder meeting to approve the liquidation and the liquidator’s nomination
    • Notify the Ministry of Law and Human Rights as well as the creditors of the liquidation and the distribution plan for the assets by newspaper notice
    • All business licenses and tax numbers should be canceled or revoked; the tax office will conduct a tax audit to revoke the tax number
    • Make sure creditors are paid and that any liquidation funds are distributed to shareholders (if any)
    • Conduct a general meeting of shareholders to approve the liquidator’s discharge and acquittal
    • Notify the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the liquidation’s outcome. After receiving the notification, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights will deregister the company’s status as a legal entity and remove its name from the Company Registry
    • Release the liquidation’s outcome in a newspaper

    Completing the liquidation process can take around two years.

    CV (Commanditaire Vennootschap) is a proprietary business entity that houses several individuals to run a business.

    To provide you with accurate pricing information for our finance, accounting, and tax services, we consider the complexities of your inquiries and the dynamic nature of regulations in Indonesia. As a result, the pricing for the services may vary accordingly. For pricing details, please talk to our experts.

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