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Why transportation service should invest in safety and comfort

Why transportation service should invest in safety and comfort

In the realm of transportation service, prioritizing public safety and comfort stands as a determined cornerstone.

These standards not only form the bedrock of a reliable and efficient transport network but also serve as a testament to an organization’s commitment to all stakeholders.

Indonesia’s transportation landscape

Indonesia recently increased its budget for developing transportation infrastructure, consequently underlining its crucial role in supporting economic growth. Among various modes of passenger transport, road transport is predominant in Indonesia.

By 2021, the total road network in Indonesia had expanded to approximately 550,000 kilometers, with around 81 percent classified as urban roads.

Historically, Indonesia concentrated heavily on passenger transport within Java Island. However, there has been a shift in focus toward other significant islands.

In 2012, the Indonesian government initiated plans to construct toll roads and railway networks connecting cities on islands such as Sumatra, Sulawesi, and Papua.

Safety, security, and comfort in transportation

Safety and security are crucial in providing transportation services, as stated in Law Number 22 of 2009 on Road Traffic and Transportation.

Furthermore, the Consumer Protection Law No. 8 Year 1999 is stipulated in Chapter III, Article 4 regarding consumer rights and obligations.

According to these provisions, it is explained that consumers have the right to comfort, safety, and security when consuming goods and/or services.

Transportation safety is necessary to ensure that every individual is protected from the risk of accidents during their journey caused by human factors, transportation modes, and the environment.

Here’s why safety and security are vital in the transportation services system:

Safety measures & public opinion

Safety and security measures positively impact public opinion. Operators and policymakers must continually innovate to maintain ridership and passenger satisfaction.

Criminal threats in public transport

Criminals exploit public transport security flaws, threatening commuters and the transportation industry’s economic stability. This underscores the critical importance of safety and security measures.

Adaptive tech for legislative compliance

As legislation evolves, transport operators benefit from investing in adaptive technology, ensuring ongoing compliance and peace of mind.

Dynamic cybersecurity in transport

Cybersecurity is a dynamic, ongoing process. Operators and authorities must stay proactive and stay active in addressing vulnerabilities.

Provider perspectives on safety and comfort

Kurnia Lesani “Sani” Adnan, the Chairman of the Passenger Transportation Division at the Organization of Land Transportation Owners (DPP Organda), emphasized that, indeed, the importance of providing the public with quality and safe transportation services cannot be overstated.

According to him, the business actors or operators should be held accountable if their drivers engage in criminal activities.

Passenger safety and comfort are ultimately the operator’s responsibility, especially related to on-demand public transportation.

Transportation safety technology

Enhancing the public safety of transportation service businesses

Using Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) as one of the technological bases, businesses can enhance transportation networks’ efficiency, safety, and sustainability. Some of the examples are:

1. Traffic management

ITS can optimize traffic flow and minimize delays, especially in urban areas. Therefore, investors can execute strategies to increase the user numbers.

2. Collision prevention

Transportation service operators should invest in a collision prevention system for their fleets. The system can alert drivers to potential risks and provide warnings or assistance to prevent accidents.

3. Traveler information

ITS and technologies can give travelers accurate and timely information regarding traffic conditions, travel choices, and any incidents they encounter.

4. Automated vehicles

ITS and technologies facilitate the development and deployment of automated vehicles (AVs) capable of performing some or all driving tasks without human intervention.

Read more: Positive Investment List improves investment in Indonesia

Passenger safety and comfort expectations

The survey titled “Improving Public Transportation Services to Alleviate Capital City Congestion” conducted by Kompas Research and Development found that affordable cost is the primary factor determining public comfort in using public transportation, with 27.4 percent.

Furthermore, 20.3 percent of respondents stated that punctuality is a key factor that makes them comfortable using public transportation, while 14.4 percent cited the quality of infrastructure and facilities.

Other factors like avoiding overcrowding, ease of access to services, and the completeness of facilities were selected by fewer respondents.

How to enhance transportation safety in Indonesia

Indonesia can learn from different countries to upgrade its transportation system, including Germany. According to a TimeOut survey that gauged satisfaction with public transportation, Berlin ranked as the top city in the world.

Berlin has an efficient public transport system managed by Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) and Deutsche Bahn (German rail). This system comprises the U-Bahn (subway), the S-Bahn (urban rail), buses, and trams in the city’s eastern part.

The U-Bahn, with its ten lines and 173 stations, is typically the most effective mode of transport for navigating the city center.

Learning from Singapore

Singapore is known for having an exceptional public transportation system described as “accessible, efficient, convenient, sustainable, and affordable,” according to a McKinsey report in 2018.

Singapore offers reasonably low monthly ticket prices compared to the average monthly income, provides subsidies for various passenger groups, and maintains relatively affordable taxi fares.

How can Indonesia implement transportation service safety?

Experts concur that we need more public awareness campaigns, initiatives, and financial support to educate and encourage the public to shift towards regular use of public transportation.

Expanding the current rail and bus networks to increase capacity for transporting people and facilitate easier access from homes to workplaces across various regions is another means of boosting ridership.

Moreover, implementing high-capacity urban public transit systems like rapid bus transit and establishing more efficient routes have yielded positive results.

The system holds significance because one of the key factors influencing people’s preference for private transportation is the amount of time they spend commuting.

Guide to Doing Business in Jakarta

Ebook Download | Ultimate Guide to Doing Business in Indonesia

Why invest in transportation standards in Indonesia?

The convergence of advancing technology and emphasizing safety, security, and passenger comfort in public transportation has opened significant avenues for infrastructure investment in this sector.

As the demand for enhanced transportation services continues to grow, businesses stand to benefit from capitalizing on these opportunities. Investors who aim to contribute to improving transportation quality in Indonesia can partner with InCorp Indonesia, which provides company registration and business license services.

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    Pandu Biasramadhan

    Senior Consulting Manager at InCorp Indonesia

    An expert for more than 10 years, Pandu Biasramadhan, has an extensive background in providing top-quality and comprehensive business solutions for enterprises in Indonesia and managing regional partnership channels across Southeast Asia.

Frequently Asked Questions

    The Indonesian Halal bodies recognize some of the international halal certifications. Nevertheless, since there might be differences in the standards used by each certification body, it is still necessary to process Halal Certification in Indonesia.

    In a PMA Company in Indonesia, shareholders typically have limited liability, meaning they’re not personally liable for agreements or losses beyond their shareholding, except in certain circumstances. Liability may extend if the company isn’t properly established or if shareholders exploit the company in bad faith, engage in unlawful acts, or deplete company assets to the detriment of creditors.

    A PMA company in Indonesia must obtain an NIB, which also functions as:

    • Importer Identification Number (Angka Pengenal Impor or API)
      Producer Importer Identification Number (Angka Pengenal Impor Produsen or API-P), which is required for the import of machinery and equipment, goods, and materials used in production.
      General Importer Identification Number (Angka Pengenal Impor Umum or API-U), which is required for the import of specific goods for trading purposes, is grouped under one section in the Customs Classification System.
    • Customs Identification Number (Nomor Identitas Kepabeanan or NIK), It functions as an identifying document for the applicable Customs and Excise authorities during the customs clearance process.

    Some goods may face limitations or restrictions on importation in Indonesia, potentially requiring additional approval from the Ministry of Trade. Recommendations from technical ministries like Industry or Agriculture may influence these approvals.

    The investment requirement for PMA companies in Indonesia varies based on their classification under the Indonesia Industrial Standard Classification (KBLI). Generally, a minimum investment of IDR 10,000,000,000 (ten billion Indonesian Rupiah), excluding investment in land and buildings, is needed to conduct one business activity in one location.

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