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How artificial intelligence works in empowering marketing

How artificial intelligence works in empowering marketing

Artificial Intelligence (AI), a game-changing force in the tech sector, has completely revolutionized the industry. The innovation will optimally address businesses in gaining a competitive edge. Other than that, the technological advances will also help build deeper connections with their target customers, and understanding “How Artificial Intelligence Works” has become essential.

From predicting customer behavior to automating personalized experiences, AI has emerged as a powerful supporter in empowering marketing efforts like never before.

In this article, we embark on a captivating journey into the intricate workings of AI, exploring its unparalleled potential in revolutionizing marketing strategies and fueling business success.

The role of artificial intelligence in marketing

How artificial intelligence works in digital marketing

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gained popularity recently, technological advancements have given AI a more significant role in marketing.

AI technologies, including natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), sentiment analysis, and others, assist businesses in decision-making, enabling businesses to outperform competitors and adapt to the ever-changing market conditions.

AI marketing integrates AI technologies with customer and brand experience data to offer accurate insights into customer journeys and market trends.

It is projected that AI-driven marketing will contribute to 45% of the total global economy by 2030.

Given the promising outlook for AI-driven marketing, businesses should prepare for the increasing adoption of AI and take the necessary steps to adapt to rapid technological advancements. It will ensure business stay relevant in the ever-changing technological landscape.

How AI empowers digital marketing

Digital marketing is currently the best option to market your products at a lesser cost. With the increased digitization in the last decade, digital marketing has become important for all businesses to ensure their growth.

Driven by the advancement of AI technology, digital marketers are embracing AI to automate and enhance existing marketing procedures, leveraging its technological capabilities.

The below points highlight how AI can empower digital marketing in various ways.

1. Drive effective advertisements

AI can enhance marketing efforts by tailoring ads to people’s preferences and interests on social media. For e-commerce, AI can also personalize audience experiences by showcasing content based on their lifestyle and past purchases.

2. Enhance search engine

AI can advance search engine algorithms by efficiently guiding customers to their destinations by providing essential information in a shorter time frame.

3. Chatbox optimization

Chatbots provide valuable assistance in brand promotion and offer relevant insights into the audience.

This data helps brands market specific products, recognize areas for enhancement, and refine targeting strategies for their intended audience.

4. Target appropriate audience

AI enables businesses to delve deep into data, extracting valuable insights from diverse sources.

It empowers digital marketers to effectively reach their target audience through segmentation based on various preferences, such as age, lifestyle, choices, income, profession, and more.

5. Develop a future strategy

AI can assist in discovering potential customers who share similarities with your current audience, enabling your business to develop future strategies for your target market.

6. Improve cyber security

AI monitors and detects any unusual behavior in the algorithm that deviates from the regular pattern, notifying digital marketers about potential threats.

7. Enable smarter sentiment

AI technologies like deep learning can be used to understand language nuances better

8. Forecast sales

AI can analyze inbound communications and use past behaviors to take appropriate actions.

Given the significant role of AI in digital marketing, it is important to understand that human creativity is still indispensable, especially related to the digital marketing process.

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How can artificial intelligence increase productivity?

As automation driven by AI technology becomes more prevalent in various industries, there are concerns about the future role of human creativity, including in marketing functions.

AI is increasingly utilized for content creation, with tools like ChatGPT able to generate written content quickly across different genres and with specific instructions, such as for SEO purposes.

Other AI-driven platforms also offer voice-over generation, image creation, and various other services, providing business owners with time and cost savings.

Despite the rising popularity of AI, digital marketers still need to nurture their creative thinking and can consider integrating AI into their processes to maintain originality.

Since AI cannot produce entirely new content, digital marketers must provide the data to compete effectively with AI-generated data.

Machine-generated ideas may lack the human touch needed for any idea activation. Therefore, engaging in market research and interviewing prospective customers is still essential.

However, if properly used, AI can help reduce bias, including information bias for marketing content. Digital marketers should also be cautious to avoid potentially incorrect information developed by AI technologies.

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With the growing significance of AI in marketing, businesses should maximize this chance to reap optimum benefits. In order to gain a competitive advantage and make effective use of artificial intelligence, businesses should also consider the legal implications of this technology.

In Indonesia, regulations stipulate that paid AI services must have an electronic system operator license (PSE) registration, governed by Government Regulation No. 71/2019 and Ministry of Communication and Informatics Regulation No. 5/2020, with further amendments in 2021.

Companies using AI services in their daily operations should ensure proper registration according to these requirements. InCorp Indonesia offers services that assist with legal compliance and business licensing, streamlining business processes.


Start investing in Indonesia with InCorp


    Pandu Biasramadhan

    Senior Consulting Manager at InCorp Indonesia

    An expert for more than 10 years, Pandu Biasramadhan, has an extensive background in providing top-quality and comprehensive business solutions for enterprises in Indonesia and managing regional partnership channels across Southeast Asia.

Frequently Asked Questions

    To provide you with accurate pricing information for our product registration services, we consider the complexities of your inquiries and the dynamic nature of regulations in Indonesia. As a result, the pricing for the service may vary accordingly. For detailed information, don’t hesitate to contact our consultants.

    In Indonesia, the licensing system has been updated with the implementation of the Omnibus Law. Businesses are categorized into four risk levels based on the PMA company classification. Licensing requirements vary accordingly, with three main types:

    • Business Identification Number (NIB)
    • Low-risk businesses needing only an NIB

    • Standard Certification
    • Standard Certification is necessary for medium-low and medium-high-risk businesses
    • Licenses/Permits

    High-risk businesses require licenses/permits
    Additionally, basic requirements, including business location, must be met. Many licensing processes are facilitated through the Online Single Submission (OSS) platform managed by the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM).

    Audited financial statements are required for:

    • Entities gathering funds from the public (e.g., banks, insurance companies)
    • Entities issuing debt instruments
    • Publicly listed companies
    • State-owned enterprises
    • Companies with assets and/or turnover exceeding IDR 50 billion
    • Entities mandated by legislation

    It all depends on your business’s purpose and nature. Our consultants will help you to clear out the matters.

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