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Setting up a company is essential before importing a product into Indonesia. Whether a foreign-owned company (PT PMA) or a local company (local PT), all importers must have a company based in Indonesia.

After registration, your business needs to obtain a business identification number (NIB) through the Online Single Submission System (OSS).

The NIB is a permanent identification number that replaces the Company Registration Certificate, Importer Identification Number, and Customs Registration NIK (Nomor Induk Kepabeanan) previously required for implementing OSS.

Import License Services in Indonesia

To distribute your product in Indonesia, obtaining an import license is required. Before importing goods, two important factors need to be checked. Indonesian import licenses are specific to an industry classified in the NIB and do not allow the importation of unrelated goods.

NIB Sector Alignment

The imported product should be related to the sector business in the NIB

Indonesian HS Code System

The Indonesian Harmonization System (HS) Code, which is used to classify every category of products imported.

License services for each sector

Product Sector Additional Licenses to Acquire for Importation
Medical Devices

Medical Device Distributor License

Medical Device Distribution License from the Ministry of Health

Household Health Supplies

Household Health Supplies Distribution License from the Ministry of Health

Surveyor Report


BPOM Distribution License

Import Notification Letter (SKI) Cosmetic

Surveyor Report

Food and Beverages

BPOM Distribution License

Import Notification Letter (SKI) Food & Beverage

Health Supplements

BPOM Distribution License

Import Notification Letter (SKI) Health Supplement

Obtain your import license with InCorp


More on Product Registration