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Foreign companies must submit a single application through their national or regional trademark office to obtain an international license. The applicants will designate the countries or regions where they seek protection.

We at InCorp Indonesia will process the application, then transmit it to the International Bureau of WIPO. The governing bodies will review the application for the formalities. If accepted, the trademark application is recorded in the International Register and published in the WIPO Gazette of International Marks.

The Timeline & Procedures of International Trademark Registration

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Trademark Registration: Madrid Filing vs Direct Filing

Madrid Trademark Filing*
  • File a single application to cover multiple countries
  • Based on an existing national or regional trademark application or registration
  • Simplified and centralized process through the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  • Can result in cost savings compared to filing separately in each country
  • Limited to countries that are members of the Madrid Protocol
  • May have stricter examination and opposition procedures

Direct Trademark Filing
  • File separate applications for each country
  • Does not require an existing national or regional trademark application or registration
  • Involves dealing with each country’s national trademark office
  • Can provide greater flexibility and control over the filing process
  • Available to all countries, including non-Madrid Protocol countries
  • Examination and opposition procedures may vary by country

*Note: Under the Madrid Trademark Filing System, before filing an international application, you must have first registered the trademark or filed an application domestically in the country of origin. A country of origin is a country that is a member of the Madrid Protocol where the applicant (person or entity filing the application) is a resident or national of or has a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment.

Register your trademark with InCorp


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