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Safeguard your business name: 5 essential measures against scammers

Safeguard your business name: 5 essential measures against scammers

Building a solid brand reputation is vital in today’s digital age. Therefore, installing a robust strategy for protecting your business name is important. Scammers can quickly tarnish it by using your company name for job scams. Learn how to protect your business name and the trust you’ve built with potential employees.

How scammers target companies

In the era of remote work and online recruitment, The number of job vacancy scams is on the rise, which is concerning. Scammers seem more confident in impersonating legitimate companies nowadays. The urgency of how to protect your business name should be your utmost priority to tackle this problem.

Identifying a recruitment scam can be challenging for job seekers, especially when they are keenly interested in the opportunity. A common tactic scammers use is registering domain names that mimic the company’s brands and sending emails to unsuspecting candidates.

For instance, they often register domain names and create email addresses such as hr@companycareer.com, giving the impression of legitimacy.

Instead of creating a fake website, they typically redirect the fraudulent domain to the actual company website, further enhancing the appearance of authenticity. As job scams become more common, companies must proactively protect job seekers and their reputations.

Read more: Developing a successful recruitment strategy in Indonesia

7 common types of job scams

5 ways on how to protect your business name from scammers

Identifying job scams can be an effective gateway to learning how to protect your business name. A few methods have been present in multiple forms for a long time. We have taken the initiative to compile a comprehensive list of the most prevalent types.

1. Work-from-home opportunities

These schemes often aim to extract money from individuals by requesting payment for enrolment fees, training, or unnecessary certifications. They advertise lucrative pay for remote work, commonly through online ads or other communication channels.

2. Job offers via email

Another common scam involves receiving job offers via email from a recruiter or employer who claims to have found your resume on a job board or received your application.

3. Jobs on social media

They often create fake profiles or pages on platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn to promote non-existent job opportunities, occasionally evading detection by the platforms.

4. Government and postal service job

If a website or employer demands payment for job access or study materials to improve qualification chances, it is likely a scam.

5. Job scams on trusted job platforms

While platforms such as Indeed or CareerBuilder aggregate listings from various sources, the legitimacy of employers and job offers is only sometimes verified. Scammers may impersonate job placement services like staffing agencies or headhunters to perpetrate scams.

6. Job placement service scams

Beware of job placement service scams, where scammers pretend to be staffing agencies or headhunters. Spotting these scams is easy: legitimate placement professionals won’t ask you to pay for their services. Employers typically cover these costs.

7. Employment websites

Scammers sometimes create counterfeit employment websites that mimic legitimate recruitment platforms.

How to protect your business name and yourself from job scams

Each case presents unique circumstances, and businesses should collaborate with legal advisors to tailor their responses accordingly. However, in general, companies should consider the following essential actions when addressing a job scam incident and how to protect your business name:

Prompt action

A swift response is crucial as malicious entities are likely to persist in fraudulent activities if successful but may cease if obstructed by a company or law enforcement actions.

Public announcement

Companies should consider issuing a public statement to alert potential scam victims and posting it on their websites and social media platforms.

Reporting impersonation

Fraudsters often create webpages and email accounts mimicking legitimate company websites to lend credibility to their scams. Companies should report fake job postings to job recruitment websites or social media platforms.


Companies must maintain comprehensive records documenting all scams and financial losses incurred by job seekers and the company itself.

Issuing cease-and-desist letters

After consulting with legal counsel, companies may choose to send cease-and-desist letters directly to the individuals responsible for the infringement.

How InCorp can help with HRO services

HR outsourcing (HRO) involves hiring external firms to handle various recruitment-related tasks for your company, such as recruiting, payroll, benefits administration, and IT services.

In today’s digital age, outsourcing has been streamlined with advanced technology, allowing organizations to outsource services through digital platforms easily. Benefits of HR outsourcing include:

Benefits Descriptions
Cost reduction Outsourcing providers have a skilled workforce, industry expertise, and advanced technologies, saving companies time and resources for other business priorities.
Efficient time management Saving time by delegating tasks like hiring to experienced service providers, who manage tasks from resume filtering to candidate interviews, ensuring hiring suitable professionals.
Accessing top talent Access to top talent is facilitated through HRO, as external service providers craft successful hiring strategies to attract and onboard the best candidates, simplifying the recruiting process for businesses.
Fueling business growth and scalability Companies can scale and grow their business by outsourcing global talent acquisition, allowing them to focus on core tasks.
Maintaining quality control Quality control is maintained through HRO, with service providers ensuring the hiring of quality candidates and relieving companies of internal quality control responsibilities.
Streamlining payroll administration Outsourced HR service providers manage payroll administration, including time tracking, benefit deductions, and tax filing, reducing the burden on businesses and large enterprises.
Seamless training and onboarding processes HRO facilitates training and onboarding, as service providers handle orientation, ice-breaking sessions, and training, streamlining the onboarding process for companies.
Flexibility to meet demands Hiring professionals to meet fluctuating demands while maintaining a predictable budget is cost-effective.
Ensuring legal compliance Legal compliance is ensured through HRO, as service providers handle the tedious paperwork and keep companies aligned with employment law regulations.
Nurturing positive employee relations Outsourced HR teams manage employee relations, addressing conflicts and concerns to foster positive relationships between companies and employees.
Harnessing the global talent pool Outsourcing facilitates remote hiring, enabling companies to tap into a global talent pool and benefit from increased productivity among remote workers.
Reducing turnover rates Reduced turnover rates result from outsourced hiring, as expert HR teams effectively communicate company details, policies, and benefits, fostering a positive employee-employer relationship.

For more than a decade, InCorp Indonesia has been a leader in recruitment, guiding individuals to roles that match their aspirations.

We leverage our expertise to connect job seekers with opportunities tailored to their skills and objectives, specifically through our employment law and recruitment services.

With an expansive global network of recruiters in multiple countries, we have unparalleled access to job openings worldwide. This ensures candidates are matched with positions that suit their expertise and career aspirations.

Click the button below to streamline your HR processes and drive organizational success.


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    Teddy Willy

    Branch Manager – Surabaya Office at InCorp Indonesia

    With 10 years of experience in business consultancy, Teddy Willy offers expertise in financial and production auditing, sales and marketing, channels and distribution, supply chain management, and human resources for every business sector in Indonesia.

Frequently Asked Questions

    Besides the agreed-upon salary, employers typically offer other compensations such as overtime pay, paid annual leave, festive holiday leave, and insurance.

    For employment, the company is subject to:

    • Employee income tax article 21
    • VAT on both the service invoice and the salary invoice
    • 2% recovery tax on salary invoice

    Under the latest regulations on Halal Product Assurance, the mandatory requirement for halal certification has been expanded to encompass a wide range of consumer products in Indonesia. This change, which was previously voluntary, now dictates that various items must obtain halal certification. Initially, the certification focus has been on food and beverage products, with the deadline for compliance set for October 17, 2024

    To provide you with accurate pricing information for our HR outsourcing services, we consider the complexities of your inquiries and the dynamic nature of regulations in Indonesia. As a result, the pricing for the service may vary accordingly. For detailed information, please get in touch with our consultants.

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