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A comprehensive guide to obtaining Halal certification

A comprehensive guide to obtaining Halal certification

In Indonesia, Halal certification is crucial for businesses selling products in specific categories. This certification signifies a commitment to Islamic principles and ensures that the products meet the necessary standards and are free from prohibited substances.

It is an excellent opportunity for businesses to demonstrate their compliance in Indonesia and cater to the needs of their Muslim customers.

New regulation signifies Halal certification

Recently, the Indonesian government implemented new regulations mandating Halal certification for various consumer goods.

Large-scale food, health, and cosmetic businesses must undergo the standard Halal certification process. Failure to comply may result in prohibiting selling goods in the Indonesian market.

Halal certification confirms that products meet Islamic law standards by ensuring they are free from Haram substances. Although businesses can sell products without Halal certification, upcoming deadlines will make certification compulsory.

Food and beverage items are the first to face this requirement, with a deadline of October 17, 2024. Various product categories have differing deadlines, from traditional medicines to clothing and household appliances. Specific deadlines can be found in Government Regulation No. 39/2021.

Benefits of Halal certification

Halal certification in Indonesia: Steps and requirements

Besides gaining consumer trust, here are several other functions of having a Halal certificate for business products:

Competitive advantage

Obtaining Halal certification can give businesses a competitive edge, particularly over competitors who have not pursued this certification.

Legal proof

It serves as legal evidence for products or services that have adhered to Islamic recommendations and laws, including sourcing raw materials and production processes.

Protection from baseless accusations

The Halal logo’s presence helps shield businesses and products from unfounded allegations.

Consumer decision making

Consumers are more likely to choose your products when purchasing due to the ease of decision-making.

Islamic standards assurance

It guarantees that food, beverages, medicines, and cosmetics are produced according to Islamic standards.

Broader consumer reach

Companies can reach a larger demographic of consumers, mainly Muslim demographics.

Contribution to oversight

Companies with Halal certification contribute to government and religious organizations in overseeing and ensuring products and services provided to the public meet standards.

Official labeling

Companies with official certification can display Halal labels on all marketed product packaging.

Read more: Start investing in Surabaya’s food and beverage industry

Requirements to obtain Halal certification

The documents required for the Halal certification application include the following:

Business entity data

  • Business Identification Number (NIB) or other proof of business authorization (tax ID, business permit, industrial business license, investment registration certificate, production notification, etc.)
  • Halal supervisor’s copy of ID card, CV, Halal supervisor’s, and appointment decision.

Product information

The product name and type submitted for Halal certification must match the registered name and kind.

Product and ingredient data

  • Comprehensive list of raw materials, additives, and auxiliary materials used in production.
  • Exemption for natural, unprocessed materials: Low risk for containing prohibited substances.

Product processing procedures

Detailed documentation submitted to BPJPH, including:

  • Procurement
  • Receipt
  • Storage of materials
  • Processing
  • Packaging
  • Storage of finished products
  • Distribution

Halal product assurance system

  • Implementation and maintenance of a management system to guarantee continuous Halal production processes.
  • Responsibility for the system lies with the Head of BPJPH.

Understanding the roles of BPJPH, LPH, and MUI

Understanding the roles of BPJPH, LPH, and MUI is crucial for navigating Halal certification in Indonesia.


The government agency is responsible for overseeing the entire Halal certification process in Indonesia.

LPH (Lembaga Pemeriksa Halal)

Independent institutions accredited by the BPJPH to conduct Halal audits and make recommendations.

MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia)

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) is a council of Islamic scholars who review LPH reports and issue fatwas (religious rulings) on the Halal status of products based on Islamic interpretations.

Steps to obtain Halal certification in Indonesia

If you’re looking to obtain a Halal certificate in Indonesia, there are 10 steps that you can follow to achieve your goal. These steps can help you quickly navigate the process and ensure that you meet all the requirements for certification.

No Step Description
1 Application for STTD to BPJPH Company to submit the registration receipt (STTD) application with other required documents to BPJPH
2 Registration to CEROL System Company to register for Halal inspection to LPPOM MUI through the CEROL system (www.e-lppommui.org)
3 Preaudit and Payment LPPOM MUI performs pre-audit to the registration, and the company fulfills the Halal inspection payment
4 Audit Scheduling Company and auditor to set and agree on an audit schedule
5 Audit The auditor inspects the Halal Assurance System implementation of the company
6 Auditor Meeting & Lab Analysis Review the audit result in the auditor meeting and bring the particular sample to a specific laboratory test
7 HAS Status Decision Assessment of this adequacy of fulfilling the HAS criteria to be able to proceed to the Fatwa Commission Meeting
8 Fatwa Commission Meeting Fatwa Commission to decide the Halalness of the registered products
9 Halal Decree and HAS Status/Cert Issuance The company received a Halal decree of product and status for their Halal Assurance System implementation
10 Halal Certificate Issuance The company gets a product Halal Certificate

How to check the MUI Halal certificate online

You can verify the authenticity of a Halal certificate issued by the MUI by visiting the MUI Halal Certification Information System online portal: https://Halalmui.org/en/homepage/

  • Enter the certificate number or product name in the search bar.
  • The system will display details about the certificate, including its validity period and the issuing LPH.

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Ebook Download | Ultimate Guide to Doing Business in Indonesia

Obtain your Halal certificate with InCorp Indonesia

Navigating the intricacies of Halal certification in Indonesia can be a daunting task. Recognizing this challenge, InCorp Indonesia is here to simplify and expedite your journey to obtaining this crucial certification.

We offer comprehensive Halal Certification services, including:

  • Expert guidance: We guide you through the entire process, ensuring adherence to complex regulations.
  • Simplified procedures: We streamline the application process, minimizing bureaucratic hurdles.
  • Credibility and trust: By achieving certification, you gain a valuable market advantage and build consumer trust.

Don’t let regulatory complexities hinder your Halal aspirations. Gain market trust and achieve your Halal goals with our expert support.


Start investing in Indonesia with InCorp


    Pandu Biasramadhan

    Senior Consulting Manager at InCorp Indonesia

    An expert for more than 10 years, Pandu Biasramadhan, has an extensive background in providing top-quality and comprehensive business solutions for enterprises in Indonesia and managing regional partnership channels across Southeast Asia.

Frequently Asked Questions

    No, a business visa can only be used for non-income-generating business purposes, such as attending business meetings, seminars, exhibitions, or training. To work in Indonesia, you must apply for a proper work permit and a limited (KITAS) or permanent (KITAP) stay permit.

    The Indonesian Halal bodies recognize some of the international halal certifications. Nevertheless, since there might be differences in the standards used by each certification body, it is still necessary to process Halal Certification in Indonesia.

    You can transfer the license if your local distributor agrees to change the product license holder.

    According to Presidential Regulation No. 10/2021 and the amended version, all businesses are open for domestic and foreign investment with these limitations and classifications:

    • Eight businesses are closed to foreign investment and may be operated by the central government.
    • Designated business sectors or joint ventures with cooperatives (koperasi) and micro, small, and medium enterprises
    • Open businesses are subject to specific conditions, such as those that are exclusively available to 100% local investors, those with restricted foreign shareholding, and investments requiring special licenses

    Certain sectors are closed to foreign investment, including narcotics cultivation, gambling, and environmental conservation activities.

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